Extended Day Care Policies and Procedures
Annunciation School provides extended day care as a service for families attending our school who desire additional, quality supervision for their children before and/or after school. This program is offered to children in full day Preschool through 8th grade.
The PM program will allow time for snacks, play outdoors (weather permitting), homework and/or study, interaction with other students, crafts, and games.
The AM program will allow time for some of the above.
The students will be supervised by paid employees who have met all diocesan requirements for employment including a State Police background check and attendance at a Protecting God’s Children class.
Hours of Operation
AM program: 7:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. – Upper Building
PM program: 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – Primary Building
There is no PM program on half days of school or on early dismissal days. The AM program will be available on half days.
Children may be dropped off or picked up at any time during operating hours; however, parents will be billed for a full day of care, regardless of the length of time they are in extended day care.
Children must be picked up promptly. If parents are late picking up children after closing time, an additional fee of $1 per minute per child will be charged. Continued late pick-up may result in the child(ren) being dismissed from the program at the discretion of the supervisors in consultation with the principal.
Children will only be released to the parent or individual who has been designated by the parent as the pick-up person unless the supervisors are notified in writing.
Additional Information
Parents must enter the building each day to sign in their children in the AM and to sign their children out in the PM.
If you plan on using the program at any time during the year, a registration form must be completed.
Children must be covered by individual health/medical insurance.
Any student not picked up from school by 3:15 p.m. will be taken to after school care and the parent will be billed for the entire day. Any student dropped off at school prior to 8:15 a.m. will be sent to before school care, and the parent will be billed for the day.
Invoices will be sent home in three week increments and are due upon receipt. Parents with overdue balances will not be able to continue using extended care until the balance is up to date.
Students should bring their own snack and/or beverages for the PM program. Snacks should be simple and healthy. Students will not be allowed to use the microwave, oven, or refrigerator. Students may bring something to eat at the AM program. They will not be allowed to use the microwave, oven, or refrigerator. Food items should be simple and require no preparation or clean-up.
Before school care: $6 per child per day
After school care: $12 for the first child and $6 for each additional child per day
The custodial parent will be responsible for the extended day care account. Any correspondence or communication with regard to this account will be with the custodial parent.
Special Procedures
Illness or Accident: The same procedures followed during the school day will be followed when your child is participating in the extended day care program. Parents are expected to make provisions for taking sick children home.
Medication: Medication will only be dispensed when absolutely necessary and permission for extended day care personnel to dispense medicine must be in writing.
Homework: Some time will be given for completing homework. It is the student’s responsibility to bring all books and materials to the extended care program. Students will not be permitted to return to desks, classrooms, or lockers to retrieve materials.
Extended Care Rules
All school rules as noted in the Student Handbook apply.
No student is to leave the supervision of the supervisor without permission.
Each child is expected to participate in all activities to the best of his/her abilities.
Each child is expected to help clean up toys, craft supplies, etc.
No toys or games may be brought from home.
No gum at any time.